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Career Advice & Resume Writing Services

Our journey with Resumeble started in April 2023, with the primary objective to target young and mid-age professionals to offer resume and cover letter writing services, as well as LinkedIn profile makeovers.

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I like the flexibility, agility, and quick turnarounds perfect for a fast-paced business environment. I like the speed of how things are done, the absence of fear of making mistakes or asking questions, responsiveness, and the modern structured approach. We see results, and this type of marketing helps build a reputation quickly, drive sales, and create a loyal consumer base. It’s a simpler and cheaper way to enter specific markets than spending thousands of dollars on SEO.

olena mazur

Olena Mazur,

CEO and cofounder of Resumeble

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Time with us

7 months


Open a competitive, long-term revenue source and reach desired audiences to spread brand awareness.


Our strategy involved a multi-target activation campaign. We designed the affiliate program with attractive offers and hybrid collaborations to help us build long-term relationships. As an initial result, we doubled sales within the first three months.


Doubled sales in 4 months, reaching $22k monthly through a growing network of 500 partners, and expanded the brand’s presence from 1 to 4 channels.


Successful affiliate program running as an evergreen revenue source.

Brand presence and activity on multiple channels, including Pinterest, LinkedIn, and YouTube, and collaborations with big publishers and influencers.

Examples of who we work with

– Forbes
– New York Post
– Wikijob
– Mo Chen, 85k subscribers (YouTube)
– My eLearning World, 115k monthly traffic (website)
– Talent Acquisition Partners on LinkedIn

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“I like the flexibility, agility, and quick turnarounds perfect for a fast-paced business environment. I like the speed of how things are done, the absence of fear of making mistakes or asking questions, responsiveness, and the modern structured approach. We see results, and this type of marketing helps build a reputation quickly, drive sales, and create a loyal consumer base. It’s a simpler and cheaper way to enter specific markets than spending thousands of dollars on SEO.”

olena mazur

Olena Mazur,

CEO and cofounder of Resumeble